quinta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2011

Happy 2012 Full of Creativity

Néstle - Facelessbook

Coca Cola - Há razões para acreditar num mundo melhor


Showcase - Your portfolio on the go!


Canadian Tire - Christmas Spirit Tree


BBH - The Resolutionizer

Through The Resolutionizer you can choose a friend of your facebook and pick a resolution for him to do in 2012. Don't forget to add a threat in the end so that he will take you seriously.

B62 - Anti-crisis moneybox

B62 agency created a anti-crisis moneyboxes and give them to several comunication agencies. The reason? B62 believes that what helps to fight the crisis we all live in isn't to be always using that word. So B62 challenges all the jornalists and bussinessmans to put 0,10 € in th moneybox everytime they say, thing or write the word crisis. At the end of the month, B62 invites the agencies to open their boxes and see how many times they have used the word and spend that money. The idea is to stop the use of that word and throw investiment help the economy to grow.

IKEA - I wanna have a sleepover in Ikea


segunda-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2011

Lalaland - Dá Tempo

For those who still, don't have a single clue of what to offer this Christmas, lalaland and advertising agency in Portugal has created the site Dá Tempo (Give Time). Where you fill a card where you are offering a certain amount of your precious time, and what you will be doing in that time. Take a look oi Datempo.net

DÁ TEMPO from Lalaland on Vimeo.

Vodafone - Pai Natal Digital


Quiteroom - Santa's Brandbook

Santa is no different from other worlwide brands, even he need to follow certain rules no to ruin his brand. Thanks to Quiteroom we can see his brandbook. See the brandbook here.

ALCC - Breast Cancer

Unicef - Santa


Red Cross


Pepsi - Numbers


Carlsberg - Everest


Apple - Santa's & Siri's


segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2011

Brand Memory Game

The visual language of modern branding extends well beyond the product name or specific logo, as Hendrik-Jan Grievink reminds us with his Brand Memory Game, now available for the advertising nerd on your holiday shopping list.

The Sex Profile

 In order to promote the safe sex, and prevent AIDS, the Stockholm government has created a sexual network. The Sex Profile was born, there were all the statistics of a sexual relationship. 

Atmosphere Proximity - Santa Clout

With Santa Clout  the adgency Atmosphere Proximity has made the Santa's job much easier. Once you connect with the facebook it will calculate how good were you through the year.

Honda and Palace Cinemas - Sharing Dreams


Audi – Passion leaves

Lurpak - Kitchen Odyssey

Schweppes - Drink different

Smirnoff - Crazy, Crazy Nights

Adidas - Russia T-shirt Euro2012

Heineken - The Sunrise sofa

The new Heineken global communication has spread benches all over the world, some of them with clocks so that people can watch the sunrise.

Heineken - The Sunrise